Casper aviation platoon Casper Platoon Story
Caspers in the News
Reprint By: Kayla Kiley/The Cadillac News
Newspaper provided by: Casper Leo "Sparky" Sparks
Manton Veteran Hosts Vietnam Unit's Reunion
MANTON, MI (Aug 2009) Eighty flags stand behind a flower bed at Leo Sparks' Manton home to represent the known deceased soldiers who served in the Casper Platoon 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam.
Left: Kayla Kiley/Cadillac News Photo
The reunion consisted of a 21- the 173rd unit.
An artificial bed of red, white and blue flowers flowers lines the front of the wall with yellow and purple flowers in the middle to represent the purple heart. A large statue of a weeping angel sits in the middle of the flower bed. And as a person steps toward the wall, it plays military taps and the song "God Bless America." Sparks said the ceremony was "very, very emotional."
Left: Kayla Kiley/Cadillac News Photo
Right: Leo Sparks in Vietnam 1970
Leo Sparks: unknown email
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This site was last updated: 2/15/15