Casper Aviation Platoon Memorial |
This Memorial Web Page is dedicated to those Casper Aviation Platoon Crew Members who were KIA while proudly serving our country. Listed below are the Casper Pilots, Crew Chiefs, Door Gunners and Mechanics who paid the ultimate price for defending the freedom that we and our families enjoy today. Photo: Casper Platoon Remembrance Ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall during our 2005 reunion. (more photos below)
Photos taken at the Casper Aviation Platoon Organization Remembrance Ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC on Saturday, June 25, 2005. A photo montage of our 11 Casper KIA & wreath were placed at the Wall by former Casper Commanding Officers Don Bliss and Thomas Terry. 2005 CAPO President Walt Henderson spoke at the ceremony, while Casper Guest Chaplain, Rev. John Steen delivered the Invocation. Afterwards our group was led by our Commanders to the Vietnam Memorial Wall while the sounds of bagpipes played Taps in the distance.
Remembrance Ceremony Video Click Here
Vietnam Veterans Memorial For complete information about the Wall Click Here Virtual Wall To visit the Virtual Wall Click Here Wall Memorial To view the Wall Memorial Click Here Vietnam Veterans State Memorials For individual information by State Click Here
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This site was last updated 02/08/12