2011 REUNION MORNING REPORT _______________
Don Armstrong Gordy Anderson Don Bliss Jerry Brown Bud Carroll Joe Cole Ned Costa Mike Del Monaco Bill Fielding Ray French Mike Gauntt Steve Greene Walt Henderson Tom Huffman Jerry Hollis Zelner Houchin Grover Hudgins Tom Iverson Bob Jameson Jim Jeffyres Phil Johnson Larry Kahila Bill Kane George Kenney Buddy King John Kovacs Bill Krueger Virgil Lamb Ed Liptrap Art McBride Robert McDonald Don McKeough Willie Moore Bruce Neva Ray O'Connor Terry Lee Parker Randy Plese Jimmy Pollan Tom Quinn Randy Schweitzer Don Sholett Sal Sosa Guy Strang Stan Streicher John Swiney Jerry Terry Bernard Timmons Rick Tompkins Tom Town Doug Walton John Wilkofsky Joe Wolan
Gold Star Donny, Leslie & Ryan Kidd, Jr. KIA Family/Son (3) Shenendoah Doran KIA Family/Daughter (2) Tom Pesonen KIA Family/Nephew (1)
Marilyn Jones DAT Family/Wife (1) _______________ To add your name to the above lists, click: YES _______________ TENTATIVELY PLANNING TO ATTEND ARE: John Ackelson Gus Bell Robert Boswell Kent During Harold Hickey Bobby Horowitz Bob Mac Glaflin George Matthews Leo McHugh Bob Nelson Gary O'Leary Bob Pickard Tom Roy Jessie Saldivar Mike Schmidt Ed Specht Bill Wansing Roger White (18) _______________
Art McBride _______________ VA Benefits Workshop
When: Monday, 6/27. Time: TBA. Where: In Jackson Meeting Room. Purpose: To help you apply for Veterans Benefits such as Service Connected Compensation. Details: Workshop _________________
2011 CAPO Membership We would like to have all renewals or new memberships to be paid prior to the 2011 reunion. _______________
Helicopter Artwork by Joe Kline Your choice of prints. See all of them at: www.joekline.com 3 Special Raffle Drawings! Tickets: $5 each There will be a Raffle Prize drawing held at our Ice Breaker Party on Saturday. Another will be held at our Reunion Luncheon on Tuesday. A third drawing at the Banquet for a $125 Gift Certificate good for a customized print of your choice. A total of 3 Joe Kline Aviation Art Gift Certificates will be won at the 2011 Nashville Reunion! Start buying your Raffle Tickets now. Just simply mail your money and requests to Ned Costa. Send what you can, when you can and as often as you can. Your raffle tickets will be waiting for you at the Casper Check-In desk and can only be used for one raffle drawing. You choose and deposit your tickets in either of the three grand raffle prize containers. You must be present at the drawing to win.
Casper Hanging Stained Glass (similar to this one) Special Raffle Drawings! Tickets: $20 for 20 This very special one of a kind Raffle Prize drawing will be held at our Reunion Meeting & Luncheon on Sunday. You must be present at the drawing to win.
Casper Huey 958 Jump Seat (original seat from 958) Special Raffle Drawings! Tickets: $20 for 20 This is Casper Platoon memorabilia that would look great out on your patio. The Raffle Prize drawing will be held at our Reunion Meeting & Luncheon on Sunday. You must be present at the drawing to win. _________________ Mark Your Calendar Future Reunion Sites 2011 - Nashville 2012 - San Francisco 2013 - Washington , DCWe have provided you plenty of time to mark your calendars and plan for you and your family to attend these reunions or should I say vacations. Make Your Plans! _________________
Casper Platoon Challenge Coin $10/each If you are interested: _________________
Casper Platoon Reunion 2011
NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE June 25, 26, 27 & 28
CAPO Celebrates 10 Years in 2011 Casper Aviation Platoon Organization will celebrate it's 10 year anniversary at this reunion!
Nashville Downtown Centrally located in the heart of Music City USA, this hotel combines traditional Southern charm and contemporary luxury in perfect harmony. Step outside, and you’ll find yourself within mere blocks of the city’s most vibrant restaurants, businesses, and nightlife. By blending a superior location with the the first-class service you expect and deserve, this downtown Nashville hotel provides the ideal setting for the Casper Platoon Reunion 2011. Special Casper Room Rate: $117 per night. Reservations: 615-747- 4814 Code: CAV
Registration Fee and Other Costs Casper Registration Fee $50 single Casper or $75 per family Reunion Luncheon Banquet Dinner $25 per person $50 per person Joe Kline Art Raffle Other Raffles Prizes $5 per ticket $20 per 20 tickets We encourage those who are planning to attend the reunion to please fill-out the online registration form (Register Now) and list everyone in your party that will be attending our event. Please make your check payable to: CAPO and mail it to Ned Costa. We would like to have your registration fee and catering meals paid ASAP. Register Now
Optional Event Prices Wild Horse Saloon Ladies Luncheon Men's Breakfast Dinner, Live Music, Show & Dancing Menu Selection CAPO Business Meeting $38 per person $30 per person $7 per person _____________________________________________________________________________
The Wildhorse Saloon is a three-level historic warehouse turned into a 66,000 square foot live music and dance destination. This should be a lot of fun. Most will walk the few blocks to the event but POVs will be available to those that can't walk. Dinner buffet, Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Wild Horse Baked Beans, Vegetables, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Rolls and Cornbread, Fruit Cobbler, Coffee and Iced Tea. There will be a live country show and dancing. We are to be seated right up front on one side of the dance floor. There will be line dancing lessons as well. This is an optional event for your entire family to enjoy. If you would like to attend this event, please let us know now for advance planning purposes. Contact Art McBride: Wildhorse Saloon - YES The cost per person for this exciting night out is $38 per person. Please print and fill out the reservation form and mail it along with your check to Ned Costa: Wildhorse Reservation_____________________________________________________________________________
The Capitol Grille is a well celebrated and award-winning venue located in the historic Hermitage Hotel. Superbly appointed in an understated style of traditional elegance, the hotel's restaurant has hosted some of America's most noted individuals. Now it's our Casper Ladies turn. The meal selections are TBA. The Capitol Grille Restaurant is located only two blocks from the DoubleTree Hotel. Contact Art McBride: Ladies Luncheon - YES The cost per person for this most enjoyable luncheon is $30 per person. Please print and fill out the reservation form and mail it along with your check to Ned Costa: Ladies Luncheon Reservation _____________________________________________________________________________
Man, don't let this name fool you! There is a lot of music history here folks and best of all, this is where we plan to take our traditional "Jacket" photo. The photo will be taken on Monday while the ladies are at their luncheon. Please bring your Casper leather flight jacket for this photo. Art McBride will post all of the details at the hotel. Bring some cash. I hear the beer is cold and the food is good. Art has also made the arrangements to hang our 2011 photo in the lounge. _____________________________________________________________________________
CAPO "The First 10 Years" This DVD presentation will be seen at the Reunion Luncheon on Sunday, June 26. « Casper Aviation Platoon Organization will soon be celebrating it's "10th Anniversary" at our 2011 reunion. It is hard to believe that we formed this group only nine years ago and have provided so many Caspers with the means and opportunity to reunite once again. Who would have ever thought some 40+ years ago that any of us would have the means to communicate with each other by using the technology of today. We decided to keep CAPO simple and to make it a place that members would be proud of and could hang their hat. Many Caspers and their families have successfully met each year and have enjoyed nine very awesome reunions. This camaraderie has also helped to create several other great Casper get-togethers & mini-reunions during this time. To celebrate our first 10 years, we will present this upbeat and uplifting presentation showing reunion photo memories of everyone who has ever attended any of the past 9 reunions. It is great to see everyone again, especially the Caspers who have not been to a reunion in recent years and to remember those who have passed since then. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tennessee Capital Building Tour - Information "Under Construction" Check back soon.
This site was last updated 11/23/10