Casper Aviation Platoon Story



Viet Cong Go Fishing,

Net Hot Lead

Reprinted from: Fire Base 173 Newspaper, 1969


BONG SON, RVN - A suspicious looking fishing basket spotted by a 173d Airborne Brigade helicopter pilot led to the death of 29 Viet Cong in recent action along the north central coast of South Vietnam.


WO1 Robert R. Rousseau, of the 173d Aviation Platoon from North Hero, VT., was conducting a first light reconnaissance in a Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) when he spotted the fishing basket and a poncho filled with coconuts.


"What seemed strange," Rousseau said, was that there were no fishermen around.  The brush seemed thin enough to see through but I couldn't spot anybody so I circled back."


Swooping down on the remote island he saw five Viet Cong trying to hide beneath the underbrush.


"When we closed in on them the VC opened up with small arms fire," Rousseau added.  Then the pilot and his crew chief fired on the enemy with mini-guns killing them all.



Photo of Casper "Inferno Scout" on the deck during a reconnaissance mission in the Bong Son area. 


Documents that were found on the bodies indicated that one of the dead VC was a hamlet chief and another a VC propaganda worker.  Further information indicated that a meeting was to be held that night.  Acting on the intelligence an element of the 2nd Battalion, 503d Infantry, combat assaulted on the meeting place and killed 24 enemy with the assistance of Regional Forces Popular Forces of Tam Quam District.  Twelve suspects were detained, three of which were confirmed VC.


Footnote - The Casper Crew Chief in this story was SP5 Richard Canning.




 This site was last updated 05/30/12