Casper Reunion 2013 Wreath Laying Ceremony & Memorial Service______________________________________________________________________________
The "OLD GUARD" prepares for the Casper Aviation Platoon Wreath Laying Ceremony at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers.Arlington National CemeteryWashington, D.C. | June 23, 2013 Casper Platoon Wreath Laying Ceremony On Sunday morning, more than 100 Caspers, family members, and friends met at Arlington National Cemetery to attend the Casper Platoon Wreath Laying Ceremony. This was an opportunity for us to honor our 12 Casper Platoon crew members who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Vietnam. They were: Douglas Lee Jones, Carl Fredrick Louvring, Terry Dean Finch, Donny Ramon Kidd, Richard Wade Joles, Richard Driggs Le May, Larry Dean Smith, William John Bassignani, Rigoberto Gomez-Diaz, Richard Bruce Canning, Eric Peter Busch and John Nelson Crawford. Those participating in the laying of the wreath were: Ned Costa, Donny Kidd, Jr., Martha Beasley and Nan Williamson. Click on thumbnail image below to enlarge the photo Casper Platoon Memorial Service Following the Wreath Laying Ceremony, many of the Caspers, family members, and friends visited the grave sites in Arlington National Cemetery of former Casper crew members Rod Beasley and Richard "Dirke" Le May. Reverend Henry "Sonny" Tucker led the memorial service that was followed by a moment of reflection and the reading of our fallen Caspers names. An Old Guard bugler played "taps" and Pastor Jim Hutchens gave the benediction that ended the memorial service. This solemn time together gave our group an opportunity to pay formal respects to the 12 Casper Platoon service members who were killed in action and the nearly 90 other Caspers who died after their tour. Background: Richard Le May was killed in action during his second tour in the Republic of Vietnam. Rod Beasley died after his tour in the Republic of Vietnam. Henry Tucker was the Company Commander of C Co, 1/503 during Operation Hump from November 5-9, 1965. His Company was attacked by a force in superior numbers on November 8, 1965 on Hill 65 in the Iron Triangle. Pastor Jim Hutchens was the Battalion Chaplain during that same time and was actually wounded by a 30 caliber bullet in the leg when he rescued a wounded soldier whose life he was credited for saving. Click on thumbnail image below to enlarge the photo
Ice Breaker Party | U.S. Capitol | Riverboat Cruise | Wreath Laying & Memorial | Men's Luncheon | Ladies Luncheon | Banquet Dinner
This site was last updated 07/08/13 |