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Casper Aviation Platoon

173d Airborne
Brigade (Sep)

United States of

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Republic of Vietnam
(South Vietnam)
Veteran Service Organizations
Department of Veteran Affairs
Vietnam Veterans of America
Disabled American Veterans
Veterans of Foreign
Military Order of the
Purple Heart
The American Legion

If You Love Your Freedom
Thank A Veteran

_____________________ |
Crew Member |
Email Address |
Tour Dates |
Position |
Home |
Ackelson, John |
AckelsonG@aol.com |
06/69 - 05/70 |
Pilot |
CO |
Allison, Michael |
05/68 - 05/69 |
Pilot |
NC |
Altland, Bill |
raptorbill@charter.net |
11/66 - 11/67 |
Door Gunner |
OR |
Anderson, Gordy |
12/68 - 02/70 |
Pilot |
FL |
Armstrong, Don |
PutPas@aol.com |
01/69 - 03/70 |
Door Gunner |
TX |
Asato, Dean |
(no email) |
10/69 - 10/70 |
Door Gunner |
CO |
Bachali, Donald |
idbachali@stjoelive.com |
05/65 - 10/65 |
Pilot |
MO |
Bachem, Steve |
bacssdb@yahoo.com |
03/67 - 03/68 |
Door Gunner |
WI |
Bahriak, Wally |
(no email) |
05/68 - 05/69 |
D-Maint |
NY |
Baker, Harley |
(no email) |
09/70 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
TN |
Ballew, Howard |
(no email) |
02/71 - 09/71 |
Crew Chief |
VA |
Baysinger, Ted |
atb@crosstel.net |
10/68 - 10/69 |
Platoon Sgt |
OK |
Bean, Don |
pbean@arq.net |
05/70 - 05/71 |
Door Gunner |
MI |
Beattie, Dennis |
michael@asset-denton.com |
00/67 - 00/68 |
D-Maint |
TX |
Beeler, Jim |
(no email) |
10/68 - 03/69 |
Door Gunner |
TN |
Bell, Gus |
agt00gus@juno.com |
00/66 - 00/67 |
Pilot |
KY |
Berdon, Gary |
gberdon@yahoo.com |
02/71 - 08/71 |
Avionics |
CA |
Big Crow, Francis |
dirty_dee11@hotmail.com |
04/69 - 08/71 |
Door Gunner |
SD |
Billings, Richard |
r.bill173rd@bellsouth.net |
10/66 - 10/67 |
Crew Chief |
TN |
Birney, Dale |
dlbirney43@hotmail.com |
05/67 - 08/67 |
Pilot |
KS |
Blanke, Bernie |
Berniehb7448@wmconnect.com |
00/69 - 00/71 |
Tech Insp |
TX |
Bliss, Don |
ARMERLEC@aol.com |
05/65 - 05/66 |
CO/Avn Ofc |
PA |
Blundell, Curtis |
ccblundell@compactcompression.com |
08/70 - 04/71 |
CC/Tech Insp |
Bolivar, Antonio |
04/67 - 04/68 |
Pilot |
TX |
Borg, Mark |
mark1beau@aol.com |
03/70 - 03/71 |
Pilot |
NV |
Boswell, Jim |
Jimboswell@worldnet.att.net |
12/68 - 12/69 |
Pilot |
TX |
Boswell, Robert |
shirlboz@aol.com |
12/69 - 06/70 |
Door Gunner |
KY |
Burke, Terry |
(no email) |
03/70 - 07/71 |
Door Gunner |
KY |
Braden, Gary |
gbraden@cinci.rr.com |
06/69 - 12/70 |
Section Chief |
OH |
Bradley, Dennis |
doryden@juno.com |
09/66 - 12/67 |
Crew Chief |
ME |
Branson, Ron |
dlbranson@verizon.net |
06/70 - 07/71 |
Crew Chief |
FL |
Brasher, Jim |
brasherl@bellsouth.net |
07/68 - 03/69 |
Door Gunner |
AL |
Brill, Lyle |
LBrill1317@aol.com |
06/65 - 06/66 |
D-Maint Sgt |
FL |
Brobst, Charles |
ceb49@yahoo.com |
02/68 - 04/70 |
D-Maint |
AK |
Brooks, Kevin |
KBROOKS@Sailnet.com |
12/66 - 08/67 |
Crew Chief |
FL |
Brown, Ed (Charlie) |
casper28@aol.com |
03/69 - 05/71 |
Pilot |
FL |
Brown, Gerald |
gmbrown.1@netzero.com |
04/69 - 07/70 |
Crew Chief |
AZ |
Byers, Paul |
casper919@earthlink.net |
05/65 - 05/66 |
Door Gunner |
HI |
Byxbee, Warren |
wbyx@sisna.com |
03/69 - 03/70 |
Door Gunner |
WA |
Caughlin, Sonny |
caughlin@clarksville.net |
02/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
KY |
Carr, Donald |
(no email) |
00/68 - 00/69 |
Door Gunner |
VA |
Carroll, Bud |
budcarroll2@comcast.net |
04/70 - 04/71 |
Pilot |
TN |
Carroll, Charles |
CASPERS173@aol.com |
04/70 - 03/71 |
Crew Chief |
MA |
Carver, Don |
djc326@hotmail.com |
02/70 - 02/71 |
Pilot |
AR |
Casey, Thurman |
(no email) |
08/69 - 08/70 |
Platoon Sgt |
MT |
Caylor, Michael |
m.caylor@att.net |
04/68 - 11/69 |
Crew Chief |
IN |
Chancey, Mike |
casper173@core.com |
08/70 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
IL |
Chappell, Jim |
ATTFAYE@yahoo.com |
10/69 - 10/70 |
D-Maint |
SC |
Charlton, Don |
CasperAvnPlt@aol.com |
05/69 - 05/70 |
Pilot |
NV |
Clayton, Rick |
rickclayton1@earthlink.net |
03/70 - 03/71 |
Pilot |
TX |
Clouse, George |
Gtclouse@aol.com |
09/68 - 09/69 |
Pilot |
OH |
Cochran, Bruce |
brucejoey@verizon.net |
04/66 - 03/67 |
CO/Pilot |
TX |
Cole, Joe |
coles352@msn.com |
03/69 - 03/70 |
Pilot |
SC |
Collazo, Juan |
collazm@aol.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
NY |
Costa, Ned |
NCHuey721@aol.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Cotten, Mike |
cottenmb@hotmail.com |
08/69 - 08/70 |
Crew Chief |
NC |
Croddieth, Andrew |
(no email) |
09/68 - 03/69 |
Crew Chief |
KS |
Cruz, Art |
acruz60@satx.rr.com |
05/65 - 07/66 |
Mech/DG |
TX |
Damen, John |
(no email) |
02/67 - 03/68 |
Crew Chief |
DE |
D'Andrea, Dennis |
DDHarley85@intergate.com |
00/68 - 00/69 |
Crew Chief |
OR |
Del Monaco, Mike |
madphoto47@comcast.net |
09/65 - 09/67 |
Mechanic/DG |
CT |
Denney, Bill |
dbillwild@aol.com |
07/69 - 07/70 |
D-Maint |
FL |
Dorn, Tom |
tomdorn@MarVistaMendocino.com |
04/66 - 04/67 |
Pilot |
CA |
Downs, Wendell |
wendelldowns@suddenlink.net |
00/67 - 00/68 |
Pilot |
AK |
Drew, William |
wmdrew173@yahoo.com |
08/68 - 09/69 |
Radio Operator |
MS |
Durand, Bob |
Bob.Durand@GCI.NET |
03/68 - 03/69 |
Pilot |
AK |
During, Kent
duringthestay@att.net |
07/70 - 06/71 |
Pilot |
CA |
Echols, George |
hechols@bellsouth.net |
04/67 - 01/68 |
Pilot |
GA |
Edlefson, Larry |
edlefson@spl.at |
04/67 - 04/68 |
Pilot |
MI |
Eldridge, Jim |
jweldrde@earthlink.net |
06/68 - 06/69 |
Pilot |
AL |
Esquivel, John |
dogs@aol.com |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Door Gunner |
CA |
Estrada, Guadelupe |
(no email) |
03/70 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
WA |
Evenson, John |
evensonj@iw.net |
00/69 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
SD |
Fales, Jeff |
samfaloh@yahoo.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
ME |
Felty, Garth |
(no email) |
11/70 - 08/71 |
Flt Ops Sgt |
MN |
Fielding, William |
wfielding1@msn.com |
02/69 - 02/70 |
Pilot |
NC |
Flick, Charles |
(no email) |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Avionics |
MI |
Ford, Led |
fordgnfishin@aol.com |
06/69 - 04/70 |
D-Maint |
NC |
French, Ray |
raythom62@aol.com |
02/66 - 05/67 |
Crew Chief |
IN |
Fuchs, Don |
Cynthia.Fuchs@anoka.k12.mn.us |
07/70 - 07/71 |
Pilot |
MN |
Fuller, Clyde |
(no email) |
05/65 - 05/66 |
Maint NCO |
NC |
Fultz, Jerry |
(no email) |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
AR |
Gaither, Jim |
j_gaither@bellsouth.net |
00/63 - 00/65 |
Section Chief |
NC |
Gallagher, Terence |
tgallagher620@hotmail.com |
07/68 - 05/69 |
Crew Chief |
MA |
Gauntt, Mike |
mrg76210@live.com |
08/68 - 01/71 |
Pilot |
TX |
Gilfether, Thomas |
tmgilfe@hotmail.com |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Avionics |
CA |
Gilmore, Thomas |
tgilmore@mwt.net |
05/67 - 05/68 |
Maint Sup |
WI |
Goodwin, Lloyd |
godwinoliveg@aol.com |
00/71 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Greene, Steve |
greenaire@mac.com |
01/67 - 02/68 |
Pilot |
CA |
Hanks, Terry |
thanks72@gbta.net |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
KS |
Hanlon, Mark |
NOWINDII@aol.com |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
MO |
Hanson, Hans |
(no email) |
01/70 - 07/70 |
Crew Chief |
CT |
Hathcock, Richard |
Dick02hathcock@yahoo.com |
07/65 - 09/71 |
Pilot |
CA |
Haswell, Steve |
shaswell3@mchsi.com |
03/69 - 03/70 |
Door Gunner |
FL |
Haviland, Doug |
dhavppgolf@earthlink.net |
03/69 - 09/69 |
Aviation Officer |
AL |
Head, Richard |
mrrfhead@aol.com |
01/67 - 01/68 |
CO/Pilot |
CA |
Heard, George |
gheard@chennault.org |
00/67 - 00/67 |
Pilot |
LA |
Heck, Martin |
heckcamp@gmail.com |
12/67 - 12/68 |
Pilot |
VA |
Henderson, Walt |
wahendx1@verizon.net |
06/68 - 12/68 |
Pilot |
TX |
Heyer, Paul (Jim) |
jim.heyer@anheuser-busch.com |
09/66 - 09/67 |
Pilot |
FL |
Hickey, Harold (Hal) |
hapster11@sbcglobal.net |
06/67 - 07/68 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Jerry |
06/66 - 02/68 |
Door Gunner |
IN |
Houchin, Zelner |
zelner9999@aol.com |
04/66 - 12/67 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Horowitz, Robert |
Casperone8@bellsouth.net |
11/69 - 11/70 |
Pilot |
GA |
Horvath, Alex |
ajh1300@yahoo.com |
11/65 - 10/66 |
Mechanic/DG |
NV |
Hoskinson, Chuck |
soldier62@earthlink.net |
11/66 - 05/67 |
Pilot |
FL |
Hubley, Ron |
(no email) |
00/71 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
TN |
Huckaby, Phil |
plh548@aol.com |
09/69 - 09/70 |
D-Maint |
FL |
Hudgins, Grover |
grover6918@aol.com |
07/66 - 07/67 |
Pilot |
GA |
Huffman, Tom |
croixwood2002@yahoo.com |
00/70 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
MN |
Hulse, Garry |
Laurathomp@ccountry.net |
04/71 - 07/71 |
Mechanic |
OR |
Hume, Jeffrey |
Humeequipco@verizon.net |
07/68 - 08/69 |
Crew Chief |
MA |
Hurst, Ed |
edhurst@directvinternet.com |
10/69 - 10/70 |
Avionics |
FL |
Hurst, Ron |
RHurst6CP@aol.com |
01/69 - 01/70 |
Pilot |
TN |
Ingmanson, Scott |
singmanson@hotmail.com |
00/70 - 00/70 |
Door Gunner |
CO |
Ingram, Duane |
dciduane@aol.com |
09/64 - 05/66 |
Opn Officer |
TX |
Iverson, Thomas |
bongson1970@yahoo.com |
06/69 - 06/70 |
Crew Chief |
AR |
James, Harold |
helopilot7@sbcglobal.net |
02/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
AR |
Jameson, Robert |
casperrbj@bellso.net |
03/67 - 03/68 |
Tech Insp |
FL |
Jeffryes, James |
jeffryesrkp@sbcglobal.net |
02/69 - 09/70 |
Pilot |
TX |
Jenkins, Mike |
Tbsmaj@aol.com |
10/66 - 06/67 |
Door Gunner |
IL |
Johnson, Phil |
casperpgj@yahoo.com |
02/69 - 02/70 |
Pilot |
CA |
Jones, James (JJ) |
(no email) |
02/69 - 02/70 |
Pilot |
FL |
Jones, Ken |
casper1938@cox.net |
00/68 - 00/69 |
Pilot |
LA |
Jones, Ralph |
00/68 - 00/69 |
D-Maint |
KY |
Kahila, Larry |
kahila@myrural.com |
05/68 - 05/69 |
Pilot |
MI |
Kane, Bill |
williamkkane@gmail.com |
06/69 - 06/70 |
Crew Chief |
GA |
Kasner, George |
gkasner@oh.rr.com |
01/66 - 01/67 |
D-Maint |
OH |
Kellogg, Roy |
(no email) |
06/69 - 06/70 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Kemp, Ronald |
(no email)
03/67 - 05/68 |
Door Gunner |
NY |
Kenney, George |
geopamkenney@msn.com |
03/66 - 11/67 |
Crew Chief |
NH |
Kiecker, Lowell |
(no email) |
07/70 - 08/71 |
Door Gunner |
MN |
King, Buddy |
stixnot@aol.com |
08/68 - 08/69 |
Pilot |
VA |
Kinney, Bill |
kin0449@msn.com |
07/69 - 09/70 |
Crew Chief |
AZ |
Koebbe, Mark |
makoebbe@hotmail.com |
08/69 - 08/70 |
Pilot |
NC |
Kotary, Karl |
(no email) |
11/70 - 09/71 |
Crew Chief |
NC |
Krueger, William |
sckruegers@aol.com |
05/68 - 03/69 |
Crew Chief |
SC |
Ladnier, Milton (Tex) |
skysol173@yahoo.com |
05/70 - 11/70 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Lamb, Virgil |
vlfpranger@aol.com |
10/66 - 11/67 |
Door Gunner |
NC |
Liptrap, Ed |
edliptrap@gmail.com |
01/70 - 12/70 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Little, Willis |
alittle@mikrotec.com |
06/68 - 09/69 |
Door Gunner |
KY |
Littlejohn, Carl |
jrotc120744@aol.com |
01/70 - 01/71 |
Platoon Sgt |
PA |
Loftin, Jonah |
PWELLSI@nc.rr.com |
00/70 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
NC |
Longoria, Jaime |
Aeroscout076@stx.rr.com |
05/68 - 07/70 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Lowe, Kester |
klowe1@nc.rr.com |
06/70 - 06/71 |
D-Maint |
NC |
Lupo, William |
(no email) |
01/71 - 01/72 |
Crew Chief |
CT |
MacGlaflin, Robert |
bobmacglaflin@rmbb.net |
01/67 - 01/68 |
Pilot |
TX |
Mangold, John |
popcorn631@adelphia.net |
01/69 - 01/70 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Marshall, Jack |
Jmarshall0311@aol.com |
03/69 - 08/69 |
Mechanic/DG |
MO |
Martinez, Hank |
hank173rd@cox.net |
03/69 - 11/69 |
Door Gunner |
AZ |
Marvin, Charlie |
ctmarvin@bellsouth.net |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Aviation Officer |
AL |
Matthews, George |
bluesky525@earthlink.net |
05/66 - 05/67 |
D-Maint |
NC |
Matti, Robert |
mattibjd@peoplepc.com |
03/70 - 08/71 |
Door Gunner |
OR |
McBrayer, Dennis |
dwmcb@att.net |
05/71 - 09/71 |
Pilot |
CO |
McBride, Arthur |
Casper921@BellSouth.net |
07/69 - 07/70 |
Pilot |
GA |
McCulloch, Ben |
(no email) |
08/66 - 08/67 |
Pilot |
TX |
McDonald, Robert |
RRM123@twlakes.net |
09/69 - 07/70 |
Crew Chief |
TN |
McEntire, Glen |
glenmcentire@sbcglobal.net |
11/70 - 08/71 |
Maint Officer |
OK |
McFarland, Neal |
nmcfarland@fuse.net |
07/68 - 05/69 |
Crew Chief |
KY |
McGregor, Don |
06/65 - 06/66 |
Pilot |
NC |
McHugh, Leo |
leo@comcat.com |
04/66 - 04/67 |
Crew Chief |
PA |
McKeough, Don |
uncas4@gmail.com |
08/68 - 03/70 |
Pilot |
FL |
McLeod, James |
jhmac64@bellsouth.net |
03/66 - 03/67 |
Pilot |
FL |
McMahan, Dewey |
09/65 - 08/66 |
Crew Chief |
TN |
Medlea, William |
mednnie@sbcglobal.net |
07/69 - 07/70 |
Crew Chief |
OH |
Merkel, Chuck |
HistoryDoc1876@aol.com |
08/68 - 04/70 |
Pilot |
FL |
Miller, John |
bkm.garden.ivy@saferinternet.com |
10/67 - 03/68 |
Crew Chief |
OH |
Moorhouse, Skip |
skip82ndaa@aol.com |
03/66 - 04/67 |
Crew Chief |
AZ |
Morrison, Dale |
morrisondale@hotmail.com |
08/69 - 08/70 |
Maint Officer |
WA |
Murphy, Roy |
rdmurphy@southernco.com |
03/71 - 09/71 |
Crew Chief |
GA |
Neal, Glenn |
g.r.neal@worldnet.att.net |
04/70 - 04/71 |
Pilot |
AL |
Neelis, Robert |
bobneelis@yahoo.com |
00/70 - 00/71 |
Door Gunner |
WI |
Nelson, Bob |
rnelson4@sw.rr.com |
09/68 - 09/69 |
Pilot |
AL |
Neva, Bruce |
bruce.neva@centralplains.net |
06/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
ND |
Nottingham, William |
NOTT675@GCI.net |
01/69 - 09/70 |
Crew Chief |
AK |
Nuckols, Mike |
mandcnuckols@aol.com |
07/68 - 02/69 |
Crew Chief |
ID |
O'Connor, Ray |
raytimoc@gmail.com |
05/69 - 05/70 |
Pilot |
WI |
O'Leary, Gary |
irishone@ix.netcom.com |
08/70 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
TX |
Oribello, John |
(no email) |
04/69 - 04/70 |
Door Gunner |
OR |
Ortiz, Cesar |
(no email) |
02/67 - 02/68 |
Flight Ops |
TX |
Parker, Terry Lee |
daxnsisko@cableone.net |
00/69 - 00/70 |
Avionics |
AZ |
Perron, Walter |
(no email) |
10/66 - 12/68 |
Crew Chief |
FL |
Peters, Lenny |
(no email) |
04/70 - 03/71 |
Door Gunner |
FL |
Petto, Vince |
VincePetto@aol.com |
06/70 - 06/71 |
Crew Chief |
NJ |
Pettys, Randy |
(no email) |
11/69 - 11/70 |
Crew Chief |
FL |
Pippen, Larry |
pippenl@usa.net |
06/68 - 06/69 |
Pilot |
FL |
Phelps, Ivy (Ray) |
rma1967@comcast.net |
07/65 - 07/66 |
Pilot |
FL |
Plese, Randy |
rplese@cox.net |
11/69 - 11/70 |
Pilot |
CA |
Potts, John |
(no email) |
01/70 - 12/70 |
Door Gunner |
WA |
Purifoy, George |
shadowman@olp.net |
01/69 - 01/72 |
Crew Chief |
OK |
Quesenberry, Lance |
lance.quesenberry@sba.gov |
01/69 - 09/69 |
Crew Chief |
VA |
Quinn, Thomas |
quinncasper023@cebridge.net |
06/69 - 01/72 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Reece, Charles |
reecesntexas@yahoo.com |
07/66 - 07/67 |
Pilot |
TX |
Reece, Frank |
(no email) |
00/68 - 00/69 |
Asst Avn Officer |
GA |
Reed III, Charles |
csweetreed@peoplepc.com |
01/67 - 01/68 |
Pilot |
TX |
Rendon, Tomas |
tlrendon@aol.com |
06/69 - 02/70 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Revoir, James |
jim@grillys.com |
10/68 - 10/69 |
Pilot |
CA |
Reynolds, William |
wreynolds2@hot.rr.com |
05/66 - 05/67 |
Pilot |
TX |
Richardson, Terry |
luludipiazza@webtv.net |
06/67 - 06/68 |
Door Gunner |
LA |
Riley, Joe |
SSRiley69@aol.com |
06/65 - 06/66 |
Crew Chief |
AZ |
Riley, Michael |
manderiley@verizon.net |
07/68 - 07/70 |
D-Maint |
MD |
Rodriguez, Tim |
mdeborah71@aol.com |
04/68 - 04/69 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Roper, Loy |
loyroper@aol.com |
05/65 - 05/67 |
Maint Officer |
AL |
Rousseau, Robert |
rousseaur146@hotmail.com |
07/68 - 08/69 |
Pilot |
VT |
Roy, Tom |
kllregg6@embarqmail.com |
01/71 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
NC |
Russell, Darwin |
russ@stellarcom.com |
00/67 - 00/68 |
Tech Spec |
ID |
Sabo, Ed |
(no email) |
06/68 - 06/69 |
Crew Chief |
PA |
Saldivar, Jesse |
fenixjs@aol.com |
09/69 - 09/70 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Sargent, Ron |
sargeofwa@charter.net |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
WA |
Schall, David |
(no email) |
05/68 - 05/70 |
Gun'y Sgt/DG |
MO |
Scheuren, Dan |
carrielombard@aol.com |
00/70 - 00/70 |
Door Gunner |
FL |
Schmidt, Michael |
msschmidt1@valornet.com |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Mechanic |
TX |
Scholle, Lynn |
(no email) |
04/69 - 12/69 |
Crew Chief |
MS |
Schurk, Tom |
(no email) |
09/70 - 05/71 |
Crew Chief |
WI |
Schweitzer, Randy |
rschweitzer@stoelting.com |
06/69 - 06/70 |
Crew Chief |
WI |
Sholett, Donald |
DSDSFUN@aol.com |
06/68 - 08/70 |
Crew Chief |
NY |
Scott, Alan |
(no email) |
08/70 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
WA |
Sickler, Jim |
jmsickler@hotmail.com |
08/67 - 05/68 |
Pilot |
AL |
Silvey, Bruce |
BSilvey@aol.com |
01/68 - 01/69 |
Aviation Officer |
FL |
Simmons, Tony |
tstgsimmons764@gmail.com |
07/69 - 07/70 |
TOC Spec |
TX |
Small, Jim |
lexzoi@yahoo.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Door Gunner |
MA |
Smarrella, James |
xsailor17@yahoo.com |
02/67 - 02/68 |
Crew Chief |
CT |
Smith, Richard |
ras110@gci.net |
09/67 - 09/68 |
Door Gunner |
AK |
Smith, Willis |
wsmith51@localnet.com |
06/66 - 06/68 |
Crew Chief |
VT |
Snedden, Larry |
ldsnedden@hotmail.com |
05/65 - 10/66 |
D-Maint |
WA |
Sosa, Salvador |
normasosa38@yahoo.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Sparks, Leo |
(no email) |
01/69 - 09/70 |
Door Gunner |
MI |
Spooner, Steven |
redwoman1@hotmail.com |
05/66 - 03/68 |
Crash/Rescue |
MT |
Sprague, Stephen |
steversprague@yahoo.com |
10/67 - 03/69 |
Crew Chief |
ME |
Specht, Ed |
mnflight@aol.com |
02/70 - 02/71 |
Pilot |
MN |
Splichal, Jimmy |
splichal@ksu.edu |
05/71 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
KS |
Stafford, Larry |
TFDFF@cox.net |
05/68 - 03/69 |
Crew Chief |
AZ |
Staggs, Robert |
(no email) |
06/66 - 09/68 |
Door Gunner |
IL |
Steen, John |
(no email) |
06/68 - 12/68 |
Door Gunner |
AR |
Strang, Guy |
guystrang@gmail.com |
12/68 - 12/69 |
Pilot |
KY |
Streicher, Stan |
sstreicher@biodam.com |
05/67 - 12/69 |
CO/Pilot |
FL |
Stipnieks, Maris |
(no email) |
01/68 - 10/68 |
Pilot |
TX |
Swiney, John |
jswiney757@aol.com |
02/71 - 08/71 |
Ops Sgt |
SC |
Tanaka, Walter |
(no email) |
03/67 - 03/68 |
Crew Chief |
CA |
Telgmann, Stephen |
(no email) |
04/70 - 04/71 |
Crew Chief |
MO |
Jerry, Thomas |
tterry@satx.rr.com |
10/66 - 10/67 |
CO/Pilot |
TX |
Testerman, Bill |
banddtesterman@juno.com |
05/69 - 05/70 |
Door Gunner |
MD |
Thackston, Bob |
btgraphics@msn.com |
11/70 - 04/71 |
Avionics |
ID |
Thibodeaux, Ken |
Kenthib1951@aol.com |
00/70 - 00/71 |
Crew Chief |
LA |
Thomas, Bill |
wfwl@msn.com |
01/71 - 06/71 |
CO/Pilot |
GA |
Thomson, Oliver |
olivert@aol.com |
00/68 - 00/69 |
Pilot |
CA |
Timmons, Bernard |
btimmjess16@earthlink.net |
01/70 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
NC |
Todd, Arthur |
avt@sccoast.net |
09/70 - 07/71 |
Crew Chief |
SC |
Tompkins, Richard |
richard.tompkins023@yahoo.com |
12/67 - 12/68 |
Asst Avn Officer |
MO |
Totzke, William |
the-totzkes@stargate.net |
03/71 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
PA |
Town, Tom |
gdtomtown@gmail.com |
07/68 - 06/69 |
Avionics |
CA |
Velky, James |
james.velky.CTR@jfcom.mil |
01/69 - 03/69 |
Door Gunner |
VA |
Vestal, Randy |
rlvestal@cox.net |
07/68 - 09/70 |
D-Maint |
AZ |
Wallace, Mike |
(no email) |
05/65 - 08/65 |
Flt Ops Spc |
PA |
Walsh, Robert |
kayecan45@aol.com |
02/70 - 01/71 |
CO/Pilot |
VA |
Walton, Doug |
casper061@localnet.com |
06/69 - 08/70 |
Door Gunner |
ID |
Wansing, Bill |
wansing@flash.net |
08/70 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
Ware, Rob |
Luna1653@aol.com |
08/69 - 10/69 |
Crew Chief |
OR |
Welch, Larry |
LNRWELC@pldi.net |
01/68 - 03/68 |
Aviation Officer |
OK |
West, Charles |
(no email) |
10/67 - 10/68 |
Pilot |
GA |
Wheaton, Preston |
Preston.Wheaton@Comcast.net |
05/68 - 01/69 |
Door Gunner |
WA |
Whitaker, Ron |
ronwhitaker01@satx.rr.com |
04/69 - 03/70 |
Crew Chief |
TX |
White, Bob |
tiggerwwhite@netscape.net |
07/68 - 07/69 |
Crew Chief |
WA |
White, Clifford E. |
Lucky26@rogers.com |
09/68 - 12/68 |
Pilot |
White, Roger |
rwhite18@adelphia.net |
09/66 - 09/67 |
Crew Chief |
KY |
Wilkofsky, John |
jcw173@epix.net |
04/69 - 04/70 |
Door Gunner |
PA |
Williams, Willie |
bworld@bellsouth.net |
00/69 - 00/70 |
Maint Sgt |
TN |
Wingert, Wendell |
wenmar@daily-journal.com |
06/69 - 05/70 |
Crew Chief |
IL |
Wolan, Joe |
cabbage14@cox.net |
00/69 - 00/70 |
Door Gunner |
VA |
Wood, Joe |
rkwoodal@aol.com |
05/67 - 02/68 |
Door Gunner |
AL |
Woodard, Dave |
jennrenee7@sbcglobal.net |
02/70 - 03/71 |
Door Gunner |
TX |
Wooldridge, Bob |
Frtlnr525@aol.com |
06/70 - 08/71 |
Crew Chief |
KY |
Zima, Ronald |
ronzima@charter.net |
10/70 - 08/71 |
Pilot |
WI |
Zuber, Dan |
ZKit8@aol.com |
07/68 - 07/69 |
D-Maint |
OR |